What happens when you invite unknown spirits into your life?

One of our listeners has found out the hard way, after playing with a Ouija board. Shortly after her “experiment”, unexplained hand marks and bite marks began to appear on her body.

Here is a snippet from her story:

I have a confession to make, before i went on spring break in 2012 me and my friend made a Ouija board and messed around with it. it didn’t really do anything and i didn’t think anything of it but i cant really ignore it.  I don’t know what is going on and it hasn’t stopped this year of 2014 it wasn’t a hand print, it was a bite mark. i was down in north Carolina for the summer again and  one day on my hand i noticed a some what vampiristic bite mark on my hand that is also in a position that isn’t exactly physically possible for my to do to my self or anyone for that matter.

Here are the pictures she was talking about:
tali-arm tali-teeth

Listen to the full episode here: