Office to The Other Side

What happened in a workplace that made on woman believe that her office may be a portal to the other side?
Here is a preview of the story.
“Several months later I was in the office alone and was working at my desk and needed to take a file back to the file cabinet on the other side of the room. It was just a large square room that had a quarter of the room divided off by a row of file cabinets. They had their backs to our workspace to create a sort of file room. As I am walking diagonally across the room to the opening in the file cabinets I suddenly and very clearly hear the bare footsteps of a child run from the center of the room away from me towards the opening in the file room. I stopped in my tracks trying to figure out what I had just heard. I am a believer but always try to rationalize everything away somehow. After I put my file, I went downstairs into the Service department to see if someone could have been messing with me by tapping on the ceiling. That would be impossible as there is a false ceiling with foam panels and the real ceiling is about 5 feet higher.”

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