Cemetery At Christmas

A person has a paranormal encounter with the dead late one Christmas eve night outside a church cemetery.
Here is a preview of the story.
“We all kept turning to ask her what she wanted or if she needed a blanket. Even our little dog Odie kept looking at the chair oddly. It felt that she was still sitting in that chair, but we knew she was not. So, as we all got ready to go to the candlelight Christmas Eve service at our little country Lutheran church, I put on a necklace that she had given me a few years before. Even picking it up from the jewelry box, it felt warm to the touch, like someone else had just taken it off. I did not think anything of it at the time. I looked out the window and noticed the lights in the house across the valley that her and Great grandpa had used to live in were on, although my aunt and uncle had moved into the house, and both were at our house. I again did not think anything of it, as I assumed it was just Christmas lights that they left on. All during the church service, everything went fine. It was after it was over, at about 10 or 10:30 p.m., that I decided to go out to the headstone and say Merry Christmas to her. I told Dad I would be there, and he said he would be out in a few minutes to join me. I walked around to the back of the church and looked towards the cemetery. It was a clear night, so there was some moonlight. I thought I saw someone standing in the cemetery, so I had assumed that it was another of my family or another family of someone else buried there.”

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