In this episode of Real Ghost Stories Online we talk with Greg Myers a leader in the world of EVP research (Electronic Voice Phenomenon). We discuss what it takes to capture an EVP and listen to several EVP’s captured on his investigations.

Greg is president of Paranormal Task Force –

Greg became part of MISSOURI PARANORMAL RESEARCH™ in August of 2005 serving as a co-administrator, lead investigator and EVP specialist. While serving with MPR, Greg became an instrumental element in the collection and analysis of evidence in a case involving an extreme “inhuman” haunting and possession. This Haunting was featured on the Discovery Channel’s “A Haunting” series as the Season 3 opener. In October of 2006, Greg co-founded PARANORMAL TASK
FORCE™, a not for profit organization which promotes the awareness of paranormal research and historical preservation through a variety of methods. MISSOURI PARANORMAL RESEARCH™ now serves as its non-extreme investigative and research division while other divisions will be launched making Paranormal Task Force™, Inc. a “One Stop” resource for all paranormal needs of clients, the public and other organizations.